Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Too funny not to share

Tonight Colin was trying anything and everything to get out of staying in his bed. He had to go to the bathroom. He needed some water. He found clothes in his backpack. Then the last time was because he needed to wash his hands. I had had it by this point, so I told him very firmly he could wash his hands (because I didn't want to discourage hygiene, of course) and then back in bed and absolutely NO more getting out of bed for the rest of the night. So he starts washing his hands while I'm standing next to him, and he looks up and says, "You pretty, Mommy. You get your hair cut?" Seriously. He's 3 and already knows how to work the ladies. I went from crabby Mommy to beaming Mommy in about 2 seconds. He's just too cute not to love *sigh*


Danielle said...

Uh oh... you've got a ladies man on your hands!! What a smooth talker! Too funny!


Amy said...

LMAO!! Love it!!

Anonymous said...

ha! what a ham :-)